Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Hair Inspiration

Finding pictures of what I want my hair to look like has been pretty easy. There are a TON of pictures out there on the internet. It doesn't matter if you google search, weddingbee search or are on the knot's hair page, you are bound to find a few things you like.

I always thought I would wear my hair in some sort of half-up curly 'do'.  There is only one problem with this.  My hair doesn't hold curls for long when it's down.  However, I love pictures like this:

I think I found both of these on I honestly can't remember because they have been in my hair inspiration folder on my computer for so long.

Seeing how we are probably going to get our hair done around 9 or so in the morning, That means my curls will have to last almost 14 hours! I just don't see this happening unless they are super hairsprayed. Which I don't think looks that great when you want your hair to be down and flowy.

So I found some more inspiration pictures:


from my hairdressers facebook page!

???  Found on a pintrest page that someone posted on the boards here.

I'm guessing I will end up with a structured but not structured up-do. Sweepy bang up front and lots of curls in the back.  My hair trial is set for June when I go home to visit.  I hope it goes okay, as I have never used the lady that is doing it. I went off of suggestions from people I know.  We will see!

How did you decide on your hair style?  Will your hair hold curls for a whole day without being stiff from hairspray?

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