Monday, March 26, 2012

Getting Engaged- The least romantic thing you have ever heard

Where did I leave off?  Oh yes… Lance had gone out and got ‘the ring.’
That night before bed (the same night he bought it), I am laying down and he is about to lay down too. Instead of that though, he sits on the edge of the bed by me.  I asked him if he was going to go to bed with me or if he was not tired and going to go downstairs. Well, as soon as he said the next line, I knew what was going on. This is how it went:
Lance:  “You know I love you right?”
Me: “Of course, and I love you too.”
Lance: “And you know I want to spend the rest of my life with you?”
Me: (as I start getting crazy butterflies) “yeah…”
Lance:  “Will you marry me?”
Me:  “Well yeah!!”

Yep.  That was it.  Our (not-so) romantic proposal. When I think about it though, Lance isn’t a super romantic person. He doesn’t really plan things out often, or TRY to be romantic. So I think if the proposal would have gone any other way, it would not have been “him.”

He did, however, hide my ring under my pillow. (Which I somehow didn't notice?!) So after asking, he told me to look under my pillow, and then after I got it out he put it on my finger.
My Engagement Ring
(personal photo)

I do feel like it was pretty ballsy of me to go about it that way, but honestly, I was ready. He was ready. What was stopping us?  Clearly nothing. I don’t regret not waiting for him to do it on his own. It was never awkward or weird feeling (between us) that I took charge like that.
Seeing how it was about 1:30 in the morning when all that went down, we went to bed, and told our families in the morning. Mine were not surprised at all. They knew this was where it was headed. They love Lance. They can tell how happy I am all the time.   My dad did make one comment that was like a ‘why would you go there?’ type moment.  He said “Are you sure?” and when I said yes he said “But you were sure the last time too.”
There will be a post about this at some point... the fact that this is not my first marriage.  I will say before I go though, that an 18 year old “I’m sure” is a lot different than a 24 year old “I’m sure”.  Even now at almost 26, its more of an “Oh yeah! I’m for sure, sure!”
Did some of you bees have a less than romantic proposal too! Was it like mine?  Just kind of thrown into your normal routine?

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